2011 was a fast moving year. When I look back over the year there were lots of great moments. We took a great family vacation to Mackinaw Island, added hens and a pony to the farm, had lots of swimming parties an lots of fun with the grandkids in the barn. We have had some recent things though that come to mind the most lately. Most importantly and closest to our hearts is the birth of our newest grandchild Turner Michael. He came home to his two sisters and big brother. He is sweet as pie and fits in to our family perfect. I look forward to watching him grow and growing to love him.

I set a lot of goals that don't always get accomplished. But goals are still good and I won't beat myself up over them. One goal I had this year was to make my daughter the sweater that she asked for. I was able to get it finished and have it under the tree on Christmas morning. It fit her perfect, and she loved it and even wore it home (which is a sign that she really did love it). It felt good to have a goal accomplished not only for her but also for myself :)

The weather after Christmas has been pretty unbelievable. It's pretty much confusing me! This beautiful sunrise last week was a lovely reminder that God has it all in control and it's o.k. to go ahead and enjoy it while it's here.

I worked in the yard today and raked and decorated my porch. My husband got the lawn mower out and mowed just so he could say he mowed in January. Babies, sweaters and Spring weather...Not much in common except they all make my heart a little happier.